I make hats for heads. Slippers for feet. Mittens for hands. Sweaters for arms and tummies. But what about the quiet, unassuming ankles? Besides those few mishaps in high school volleyball where they didn't quite show up for me, my ankles have provided me with constant stability (what else can you say that about, really?) It is time those pillars of strength are recognized and honored.
Dearest ankles and lower calves:
I want you to know that you will be overlooked no longer. I hear your voice when you crack on the way up the stairs. What you have to say is important to me. And I will listen.
I'm sorry that I sometimes cut you when I'm shaving. I'd like to say it won't happen again, but you're just so bony and sometimes I'm in a hurry.
Please accept these legwarmers as token of my appreciation for your constant support.
Love always,