This latest project left left me longing for the the good old days when you could roll up to the general store, park your pony, and pick up a box of dominos and decent bottle of whiskey.
Now days, apparently simple black and white dominos are are not easy to come by. Domino designers had to get fancy and start putting colored dots all over everything, which is fine for game play, but not for my purposes. I didn't need my fireplace mantle looking like a sprinkle doughnut.
I finally found three boxes of plain dominos at "Canton Bazaar" in the depths of Chinatown. (Probably the biggest lesson I've learned living in San Francisco: when you need something weird that no one else will sell, go to Chinatown. If you don't find what you need, at least you'll come home with a wooden back massager or a toy to hang from your non-existent cell phone antennae.)
I simply glued the dominos on a piece of plywood to make an inexpensive, and surprising heavy, piece of art.